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Janine Arietta posing in black blazer on staircase with plaid runner in her Los Gatos Townhome remodel interior design project
Texture gray knitted fabric with a patte



"I believe that every space should tell a story about the person and their home. My job is to find out what that story is and reflect it in a transparent and inspiring design. I put my heart in my work, because I care. I care about my clients and I care about the quality of my design."

-Janine Arietta



When I packed up my rusty VW Cabriolet in 97' and made the move to SoCal from Boston, I had stars in my eyes. I grew up in a suburb rich in history and culture just 7 miles north of Boston. It was a special time in my life, but I wanted the big city life. Like many girls, I too, was a dreamer and wanted to be an actress. Or, at least I thought I did. I gave it a try for one year and when my career did not take off immediately, I did the sensible thing and went to college for business (I actually did my acting gig after college because working 9-5 Monday through Friday just didn't appeal to me).


I worked in tech and banking, and although I enjoyed finding ways to better the businesses I worked for, my creative side yearned to come out.


I stumbled upon Interior Design later in my career and fell madly in love. I went back to school... and here I am today, eight years later happily expressing my creativity while keeping true to my sensible Boston roots. What does that mean? I love a good plaid as well as a special antique to give a space a little soul and depth!

Outside of Work...

I’m a self-professed chatterbox, highly energetic, passionate yet zen. I’m a mom, wife and I love to cook. In my spare time, I travel to find new inspiration. Ask me about my latest trip to Santa Fe. I love spending time in nature, yoga, hiking and reading. You’ll learn all this and so much more as we work together. My clients inevitably become my friends as we come to know each other very well.

Janine Arietta at Los Gatos Townhouse Dining Room Interior Design

The Story of JAS Interior Designs

8 Years and Counting...

At an early age, I learned that I liked affecting change by way of improving things and processes. From college on, I enjoyed figuring out how something could be improved. First it was process efficiencies in banking, but there was no creativity there; then high-tech sales was great, but it just wasn’t me. It wasn’t challenging my artistic side. Finally, one day it hit me, I could use my artistic talents to improve the function of peoples homes. Lightbulb moment, I wanted to become an interior designer. 


Back to school it was for me and a brand new 2nd (or was it 3rd or 4th?) career. While in design school, I always dreamt of having my own design business but when graduation time came I thought it was overwhelming and scary. I had nightmares of living paycheck to paycheck like I did my first year in California. So, I took a stable job to learn the ropes, did many internships (some paying, some non paying). One of my most notable experiences was at Bethe Cohen Design in downtown Campbell. Bethe was a well established designer with an award winning firm. From her, I learned how to pull the many layers of design together, artistic spaces through rhythm, texture, form- she was one of the best in class. The lessons I learned with her I still carry on today - design as artistry. From there, I gained more experience at design firms in Los Altos and San Jose. I was then ready to really push myself, and took on a new position as a Senior Designer on an award winning design team at DeMattei Construction. Having the insight in the construction process allowed me to understand how remodels and buildings really work. During my time at DeMattei, I struggled as many moms do to balance work and home life. I needed flexibility for my two young children. I wanted to be there for them and freelancing made the most sense. 


My first solo project was awarded to me by a friend who believed in me, and it earned a Silver Award in Hospitality Design for Emerging Professionals in 2017. That first break gave me the confidence I needed to believe in myself, and little by little design projects started to come my way (as did subsequent awards and notoriety). 

Today, my kids are grown and I still love what I do - creating comfortable livable spaces which reflect our client's style and function like a dream. I'm still incredibly humbled by the wonderful clients that choose our firm to partner with on their amazing homes and spaces.

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Masculine master bedroom interior design in cream, brown and plaid
JAS Interior Designs wining Bay Area NARI award


2019 NARI Meta Gold Award, Universal Design + Interiors

2019 ASID Design Excellence Gold Award, Emerging Professional/Residential

2018 NARI Meta Gold Award, Historic Preservation/Residential

2017 ASID Design Excellence Silver Award, Emerging Professional/Hospitality

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